Please help us stop the destruction of Trafalgar Canyon
Trafalgar Canyon is protected by both the City of San Clemente laws and the California Coastal Act of 1976
Trafalgar Canyon is protected by both the City of San Clemente laws and the California Coastal Act of 1976
The massive project still requires a major variance from the City of San Clemente to proceed. So there is time to Save Trafalgar Canyon.
What Happened? in 2019, the Coastal Commission unanimously denied this project. But on February 8, 2024, after further review, and including consideration that the project significantly violates city and coastal laws, the Commission somehow conditionally approved:
The Staff Report contained detailed findings that the project was inconsistent with Coastal Act Policies governing geologic hazards, visual coastal resources, and ESHA (Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas). It would violate the required 15-foot setback from a canyon edge, and its extensive retaining walls would cause significant alterations to natural landforms. It would be sited almost entirely within the required 100-foot ESHA buffer, in some cases having zero ESHA buffer.
Stay tuned to see how you can help!
We are grateful beyond words to the Coastal Commissioners who despite a Staff Recommendation to approve the project voted to deny 9 to 0 on June 14th. The Friends of Trafalgar Canyon were able to successfully prove:
Of all these points, the last is the most important as we were able to show that that approval from the City of San Clemente did not follow the required processes.
Sadly however our work here is not done. Most likely the developer will start from square one with the City of San Clemente as soon as they can (or sue the Coastal Commission). We need your help now with the City of San Clemente to let them know we won't stand by while they destroy Trafalgar Canyon.
Save Trafalgar Canyon
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